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Oct. 3, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 3, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
        5:05 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc., John Kowaleski, and residents in attendance.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to approve the minutes for August 23 & 29.
Make ready updates
        Marty said that PMLD has completed 7 of the 13  attachment  licenses on the pole upgrades and another 2 are almost complete. Phil has contacted Verizon to schedule work on the PMLD completed attachment licenses. Verizon will get back to Phil & Marty with schedule.
Residents’ concerns
        Larry Greene Sr. along with Larry Green Jr. with his family were in concerning broadband access and pole upgrades. Larry Sr. explained that as a Road Advisory Cmte. member, he suggested the make-ready funds could be used to upgrade poles on Thompson Road and Grow Lane—seen as an efficiency as part of the ongoing broadband project. He and Larry Jr. described teetering poles and regular power outages in these areas. Larry Sr. estimated $120,000 would cover some site work, drilling and setting new poles on both roads. Board agreed that pole replacements averaged $3,000 apiece. Phil L. explained that the fiber drop lines on those two roads didn’t require upgrades to poles so none were slated as part of the make-ready, but all households were factored into the plan to deliver broadband service, whether by overhead lines or buried lines. He went into technical detail about stranded cable and single co-axial. The town has already paid PMLD about $250,000 for labor and equipment to upgrade poles.
        Jon F. noted that the town meeting vote that funded the make-ready was specifically for broadband and not utilities in general. John K. pointed out that other sections of town have similar pole problems, and a committee could review all areas that need help. Stan said that the make-ready has completed upgrades that will relieve PMLD from scheduled maintenance of the poles—he estimates 10 years’ worth of work has been provided by taxpayers.
        Nina said Marty will research and report back, about whether or not to upgrade poles within the same project with broadband. Phil L. suggested negotiating with PMLD, Verizon, Comcast and anyone else using or wishing to use the poles, and all pay for upgrades based on percentage of use and share the expense. Edith suggested the selectmen meet with MBI and see what they might be willing to do in light of their grant going to whoever is doing the construction. Stan cited an example from the Town of Charlemont, based on info that Axia may possibly be cutting deals in Western Mass. using MBI funds. Stan then said the board would take the matter of pole upgrades--beyond the needs of broadband--under consideration.
Public Comment
        See above.
5:50 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn PBMLP and open BOS meeting

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department